Assumption Parish Donations

So I just want to send a quick shout-out to the wonderful people in Long Island, New York who have been such a phenomenal support to Neema International these past two months!!!Neema volunteer, Theresa Marino, is from this neck of the woods and her family, friends and community have really exemplified what it means to make big waves "Little By Little". Before even coming to Africa, Theresa's home parish of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary raised $5,000 in just a week to contribute to the building of the new Tuleeni Academy center in Uru!In the nine weeks Theresa has been with us on the ground in Rau, we received more than 11 boxes from her community members filled with hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of toiletries, school supplies, clothing items, new shoes, games, toys and books. Many have donated online as well and begun their own fundraisers in the community to continue bringing light to our needs here.Additionally, the community fully funded a $500 dollar impact project in just 2 days so that Theresa could build a playground area for the children at Mrupanga Primary- a local government school, before she leaves!Theresa does not come from a rich area. In fact, many she knows are struggling. She herself is just a recent college graduate who had a dream to come to Africa and do a bit of good... And it is the goodness of the people around her who have made all this possible!Here's to friends and family around the world who see the value in giving. Even with very little we can do BIG things when we come together.THANK YOU for everything, Friends! We are grateful for all of your work thus far and can't wait to see what the future has in store'