Neema International’s Education Sponsorship Program (NIESP)

We connect motivated, intelligent children and adolescents with the resources they need to succeed. NIESP is much more than an individual sponsorship, but a life-changing mentorship program.

 Sponsored students get their immediate needs met through receiving all costs associated with attending school, ranging from transportation to tuition to textbooks. To maximize our budget, we buy school supplies and personal care items in bulk, giving them to sponsored students at the start of each semester. When sponsored students get sick, we pay their hospital fees and ensure proper care. Other costs that we sometimes cover for NIESP students include life skills camps, field trips, and transportation for interviews.



The Impact

By providing high-quality mentorship and education to children in Tanzania, we are setting off a chain reaction. Sponsored students share their financial literacy, family planning and life skills information with their friends and family.

They volunteer, showcasing their future as leaders in their communities. They have the vocational skills to bring economic resources into their communities and the critical thinking skills to solve the tough problems the nation faces.